I keep my hair short - in fact I shave my head every two weeks - mainly because I am going bald at a very rapid rate.
I joke about my "baldness" and my kids often poke fun of my lack of hair. For me "bald" is inevitable and "balding" is my reality.
Yet tonight, as I spent time shaving my head I felt the hair being cut and I watched the hair fall to the ground and I became aware that I do have hair.
Strangely enough - as I continued shaving my head - I began to ponder. Why do I so often focus on my lack of hair instead of celebrating the hair that I still have left? The answer, perhaps, is because I do not have as much hair as once did. Or, maybe it is because I do not have as much hair as others do.
Often this same mindset creeps into our lives as we consider our wealth, our possessions, and all of our blessings. If left unchecked we let our mind - and our heart - focus on all the things that we don't have - or no longer have - instead of celebrating all the blessings that we have been given today.
This evening - as the freshly trimmed hairs on my healthy head hit the cotton sheets around the soft pillow on my comfortable bed in the cool, secure home that I live in with my wonderful family - I will be sure to thank God for the blessings He has given me today.