Sunday, April 7, 2013

Everyday We Face The Choice

"then CHOOSE for yourselves this day whom you will for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

Joshua 24:15

Everyday we face a choice. 

Everyday we face the choice if will serve The Almighty God; The One that has created the heavens and the earth.

Everyday we face the choice if will serve The Almighty God; The One that sustains life and provides for His creation. 

Everyday we face the choice if will serve The Almighty God; The One that loves us and desires a relationship with us.

Everyday we face the choice if will serve The Almighty God; The One that has a purpose and a plan for your life. 

Everyday we face the choice if will serve The Almighty God; The One that hears the calls and cries of the ones He loves.

Everyday we face the choice if will serve The Almighty God; The One that answers our every need according to His good will.

Everyday we face the choice if will serve The Almighty God; The One that came down from His throne in glory and lived among us.

Everyday we face the choice if will serve The Almighty God; The One that has felt the same trials and temptations as you have.

Everyday we face the choice if will serve The Almighty God; The One that died on a Roman cross to redeem us from our sinfulness.

Everyday we face the choice if will serve The Almighty God; The One that rose from a grave to restore His relationship with us.

Everyday we face the choice if will serve The Almighty God; The One that has gone to heaven to prepare an eternal place for each of us.

Everyday we face a choice. 

On this choice rests your current reality.

On this choice rests your life.

On this choice rests your peace.

On this choice rests your joy.

On this choice rests your strength.

On this choice rests your hope.

On this choice rests your salvation.

On this choice rests your everything. 

Everyday we face a choice.

What will your choice be?

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