Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Rest In His Love

Every night, when it is time to turn in for the night, my wife and I go through a series of routines; taking the dog out, locking up the house, taking kids to the bathroom one last time, and much more. Often I take this opportunity to pray over each of our children one last time before the day concludes. 

Tonight the words of Zephaniah 3:17 came to my mind as I prayed over each of my children. Zephaniah writes, "The Lord will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." 


As I stand next to the beds of each of my children - praying for them, delighting in them, rejoicing over them - I am struck with the awareness that God is doing the same in my life. 

And, tonight it occurs to me that God does this often with no thankfulness from us - often with no awareness that He is taking the time and the energy to love us. 

Why does God take great delight in us? 

Why does God comfort and quiet us?

Why does God rejoice over us in song?

Why does God do any of this? Because He loves us more than we can ever hope to understand and more than we will ever be able to love him back. 

What an amazing God we serve!

Let us rest tonight knowing that God loves us for who we are - who He has created us to be. 

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