We've been quite busy over the past few months.

We found out near the end of April that we are expecting our 3rd child sometime in December (perhaps November). We were very excited about this new addition to our family and at the same time this news added to the anxiety thatwould soon follow. Yet I know that God has a plan and His timing is perfect while our timing is, well..less than. Fast forwarding here, we found out today that it is a boy and is due November 30th. Kim is hoping to hold out until the beginning of December so that we do not have yet another birthday in November. Her original hope was to have a January baby, but that may be a little long for her to hold out on delivery.
In May Kim and I began to speak with the Wabash Conference of the Free Methodist Church as we felt God's call for a differnt stage in the life of His ministry through us. We were introduced to the Robinson Free Methodist Church in mid-May and we began to pray about this move, not only from the church family and neighbors that we love so dearly, but also about the move to a senior pastor position. As you can imagine, this came with many questions, concerns, and anxiety. One of the largest concerns for us was; "how are we going to sell our home in Flora?". With the market the way that it is we knew that this would be difficult, but not impossible, because nothing is impossible with God.
As we made the decision to move and to follow what we believed was God's call for us, we began to prepare. Just over a month ago we announced to the church that we were going to be leaving the church, the student ministry, and the community. This was a very tough decision to make and one that came with a lot of mixed feelings. For many of the students this was the absolute worst time for us to leave, as a foundation had now been established and security and momentum seemed to be building within the student ministry and the church. Once again, we work on God's timetable which is so much larger and more precise than ours will ever be. And who are we to think that we can do anything without God's will on our side.

We made the move to Robinson on my birthday this year, June 28th. With limited hiccups we moved into the parsonage and the church. The love of the church family began to poor on us from the moment that we drove into Robinson. We are happy to be here and are now confident that we are exactly where God wants us. One of the measurements that I personally used was that of our house in Flora. Every month that the house sits unsold costs us money that we do not have, in the bank or in our monthly budget (we didn't get into ministry for the money). I began to pray that our house would sell quickly, Kim did the same. We began to share our requests with our family, friends, and churches. Then I began to understand that I was not praying "BIG PRAYERS"! My prayer then became that we would receive an offer our house by the end of July, an offer that Kim and I could agree upon and one that we could accept. As Kim and I joined in this prayer together peace began to come over me knowing that God was in control and that there was nothing else that we could do.
Wednesday evening we received the offer that we have been praying about. Yesterday we accepted it! God continues to bless us when we do not deserve it and amaze us day after day. Praise the Lord, He is so much wiser than we are.
In May Kim and I began to speak with the Wabash Conference of the Free Methodist Church as we felt God's call for a differnt stage in the life of His ministry through us. We were introduced to the Robinson Free Methodist Church in mid-May and we began to pray about this move, not only from the church family and neighbors that we love so dearly, but also about the move to a senior pastor position. As you can imagine, this came with many questions, concerns, and anxiety. One of the largest concerns for us was; "how are we going to sell our home in Flora?". With the market the way that it is we knew that this would be difficult, but not impossible, because nothing is impossible with God.
As we made the decision to move and to follow what we believed was God's call for us, we began to prepare. Just over a month ago we announced to the church that we were going to be leaving the church, the student ministry, and the community. This was a very tough decision to make and one that came with a lot of mixed feelings. For many of the students this was the absolute worst time for us to leave, as a foundation had now been established and security and momentum seemed to be building within the student ministry and the church. Once again, we work on God's timetable which is so much larger and more precise than ours will ever be. And who are we to think that we can do anything without God's will on our side.

We made the move to Robinson on my birthday this year, June 28th. With limited hiccups we moved into the parsonage and the church. The love of the church family began to poor on us from the moment that we drove into Robinson. We are happy to be here and are now confident that we are exactly where God wants us. One of the measurements that I personally used was that of our house in Flora. Every month that the house sits unsold costs us money that we do not have, in the bank or in our monthly budget (we didn't get into ministry for the money). I began to pray that our house would sell quickly, Kim did the same. We began to share our requests with our family, friends, and churches. Then I began to understand that I was not praying "BIG PRAYERS"! My prayer then became that we would receive an offer our house by the end of July, an offer that Kim and I could agree upon and one that we could accept. As Kim and I joined in this prayer together peace began to come over me knowing that God was in control and that there was nothing else that we could do.
Wednesday evening we received the offer that we have been praying about. Yesterday we accepted it! God continues to bless us when we do not deserve it and amaze us day after day. Praise the Lord, He is so much wiser than we are.