Thursday, December 23, 2010

State Farm Commercial

I'm sure you're all familiar with these State Farm commercials with that super-smug guy walking around telling us to contact an agent, BUT NOT YET, first talk to someone that already has a State Farm policy.

State Farm obviously knows that "word of mouth" is the best method of advertising and they are confident that their policy holders are pleased with their service and will give a good recommendation if asked. As I watch these commercials the thought comes to me; how am I suppose to find a "State Farm driver"? Does State Farm actually want us to try and search out one of these 40 million drivers that "trust" them or are they just trying to point out we have 40 million policy holders and no one else does. Basically, "we must be good if so many people use us".

As a Pastor, this commercial also got me thinking about evangelism, that is, spreading the message of Christ. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus gave us the call to GO and SPREAD the message. If followers of Christ were to put together a commercial it could look much like that of State Farm's; leading off with all the misconceptions and sounding something like this:
"The big bang theory, a big kill-joy in the sky, followers like a bunch of crazy fanatics. Come on! Isn't it time someone gave it to you straight? That's why you should talk to Jesus Christ. But not yet, first, talk to any one of the 2.1 billion who already trust Jesus Christ. 2.1 billion, yeah, that's more than John Smith or Buddha have combined. By a lot. 2.1 billion followers, hope for tomorrow, and eternal security. Where else can you find that? Talk to Jesus in prayer right now or open a Bible to read about Him."  
Notice, Christians could put a commercial together much like this, not that we should. The biggest problem I see with State Farm's commercial, as I said before, is trying to find one of these 40 million drivers to ask, it is not like these drivers walk around with sandwich boards on talking about their insurance coverage and/or agent. Likewise, not too many Christians walk around with sandwich boards (or even t-shirts) on talking about Jesus Christ and/or sharing their testimony.

State Farm customers have been trusted to spread the word about their coverage and about their agents. State Farm customers have been trusted to do this by their agents and by their super-smug spokesman.
Christians have been trusted to spread the word about Jesus Christ and the hope, joy, love, and salvation that He brings to life. Christians have been trusted to do this by Jesus Christ Himself (Matthew 28:19).

So let us do it! By the way, I am both a follower of Christ and a State Farm policy holder, I can tell you about my experience with both.  

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