This evening - minutes into a project in the garage - I smacked my thumb with a hammer. I immediately felt the pain shoot through my left hand and into my wrist. Although there was little pain in my thumb, I could feeling the throb.
Dropping the hammer on the floor, I walked to the far corner of the garage to assess the damage. Momentarily I waved my hand in the air and grit my teeth together in pain, Then, I calmly exclaimed (to myself), "That really hurt!".
Walking over to my workbench I decided to grab a pry bar. Except, in the moment, I couldn't remember what a pry bar was called. What's more, I couldn't remember where my pry bars were located. I probably stood in front of my workbench for two minutes trying to gather my thoughts. As I rummaged through a cabinet - and then a shelf - I continued to struggle with my thoughts. Looking directly at my pry bar I asked myself (audibly), "What am I looking for?".
Seconds later - finally with a pry bar in hand - my mind cleared and I came to a realization. I was unable to think clearly because of the momentary pain that I was dealing with.
The reality is that when we face pain - momentary or long-lasting - we struggle to think and act in a rational way. Think about it, if you have ever faced overwhelming pain - physically, emotionally, or otherwise - your pain takes precedence. Soon the thought of your pain is unshakable and it begins to overshadow all other rational thoughts. You may even find that your normal actions are overcome by the reality of your painful experience.
And when we consider the reality of our world today it is undeniable that countless people are hurting. So many individuals are dealing with the painful scars and experiences of their past, struggling with the painful reality that surrounds them, fearful of the painful and uncertain future that awaits them.
Could it be that the pain that is overwhelming our world today is causing many to think and act in confusion? Could it be that the anger and aggression that we see so prevalent in our world today is brought about by the pain that so many are dealing with every day?
This pain is leading to more hurt.
And this hurt is leading to more pain.
And this pain is leading to more hurt.
Which will only lead to more pain.
And this will continue to build more and more.
Until someone steps up and stops the cycle.
At some point someone must step forward and absorb the hurt of the world.
I believe that this is the particular call of The Church around the world today. You see, as followers of Jesus, we are the only ones equipped to step up to absorb the hurt. Because, as followers of Jesus, we are the only ones that do not have to keep the hurt of society - the pain of the world in our lives.
As followers of Jesus are given the supernatural ability to absorb the hurt and then to turn it over to Jesus.
Will it be painful? Yes. Will it cause us pain? Yes. However, the hurt - and the pain - that we face is temporary and - as we walk with Jesus - it will only draw us closer to Him as we turn it all over to Him and as He takes it all away.
This scene from "The Green Mile" is a visual illustration of the way we - as The Church - can take the pain of a hurting world and turn it over to Jesus in a spiritual way.
So, are you prepared to absorb the pain?
Who do you know that is hurting right now?
Who are you praying for God to lead you to?
Someone must step forward and absorb the hurt of the world.
As followers of Jesus only we are equipped.