Friday, January 19, 2018

Student and Teacher

If you call yourself a Christian - that is a follower of Christ - this one verse gives you a lot to consider and contemplate. Here are a few...

  • In your relationship with Christ, are you acting more like the student or the teacher?
  • What have you - the student - learned from your teacher recently? 
  • Are you - the student - fully honoring and respecting your teacher and His teachings? 
  • Are you - the student - living out the teachings of your teacher? 
  • Are there points when you feel like you are better - or know better - than your teacher? 
  • Are there points when you live as though you are better - or know better - than your teacher?
  • Have you been fully trained in the ways of your teacher? 
  • If you are not yet fully trained, how are you seeking further training?
  • If you are fully trained do you live, love, and serve like your teacher?
  • What will you do next?