Thursday, January 31, 2019

Before I was, You were

God, my Father, before I was, You were.

Before I was formed, You knew me.

You spoke my life into existence. 

You knit me together in the womb.

You spoke my life into existence. 

You speak all things into creation.

You have wonderfully made me.

You created me in Your very image.

Before I was born, You consecrated me.

You know the plans you have for me.

You protect me with Your right hand.

You comfort me with Your rod and staff. 

You prepare a table of blessing for me. 

You are my help, You sustain me always.

You have given me all that I ever need.

Before I knew right, You died for me. 

You laid down Your glory and put on flesh.

You served in humility and lived in poverty. 

You showed grace by loving your murderers.

You came for the powerless and sinful.

You freely gave Your life to pay my debt.

You are the perfect eternal sacrificial lamb. 

Before I speak, You know my every word.

You have searched my heart and mind.

You know me fully and completely.

You known when I sit and when I go.

You know when I sleep and when I rise.

You know my thoughts from afar. 

You know my needs when I am unsure.

Before I knew You, You chose me.

You have made Yourself known to me. 

You surround me with Your presence.

You go before me preparing my path.

You fill me with Your love, joy, and peace.

You empower me through Your Spirit. 

Your Word is a lamp to my footsteps.

Before I chose You, You chose me.

You accept me just as I come to You.

You called me Your friend and Your son.

You trust me to bear Your great name.

You call me to partner with You in ministry.

You gave me the ministry of reconciliation. 

You give me an eternal inheritance.

Before the world was formed, You were.

You are good.

You are perfect.

You are love.

You are eternal.

You are righteous.

You are all I need. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Nets

Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” Luke‬ ‭5:5‬ ‭
Jesus often calls us to take action when we are tired and worn out, when we have tried everything else, when all other measures have failed.
He does this develop faith and perseverance within us. He does this to illustrate His power that is made perfect in our weakness.He dies this to show us Himself.
Could it be that the reason you “have worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything” is because God is withholding His greatest blessing until you trust only in Him
Could it be that God is waiting for you to exhaust all your human effort - and even come to the point of exhaustion yourself - until He opens His floodgates of blessing to you?
Jesus is calling out to us today. Let us listen to His voice. Let us wait for His instruction. Let us take action when He tells us to. Let us give Him the praise as He blesses us. 
“Because you say so, I will let down the nets.”