This afternoon I had the great duty of visiting with some wonderful people!
One of the duties of my job is visitation. Visiting with the members and attendees of our church, visiting with various individuals from the community, and visiting with shut-ins and those in the hospital. While this is not the part of the job that I enjoy THE MOST, it is a fairly enjoyable task. Connecting with various individuals, ministering to them and allowing them to minister to me, this is very fulfilling and I count it a true blessing.
Yet, there are times that I find it very difficult to visit with people. Sometimes I find myself in a "funk" and don't feel like going out, carrying on a conversation, or entertaining the interests of others. And, although these moments of "funk" are few and far between, I find that these seem to be the most fulfilling moments of visiting and connecting. When I force myself past that "funk" I soon find the joy and pleasure in visiting with these wonderful people.
This morning I was reading from Psalm 23 and the sixth verse really caught my attention: "Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
Just as there are days that I find myself in a "funk", without the desire to visit with others, I sometimes find myself in a "funk", without the desire to visit with God. These are times when I don't want to read Scripture, I don't want to pray, I don't want to do anything. Yet these are the times David is writing about in Psalm 23:6, times when God says; "don't worry about visiting with me, I'm going to visit with you right now. Why? Because you are my child and I love you. Why? Because I am here for you, forever. Why? Because I am God and you need me, even when you don't always know how much you need me.
Just as God walked in the garden when Adam and Eve were hiding in sin and shame, and he called out to them; "Where are you?" How often God pursues us and calls out, "where are you". God is good, always! God is love, always! God is there, always! Perhaps He is calling for you right now.
"Where are you?"
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