Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Grace and Truth

I was having a conversation with a gentleman that I have never met before over facebook this evening, I thought I would copy and paste one of my thoughts from that conversation here:
"Jesus was the perfect blend of "grace" and "truth" (John 1:14). He said what needed to be said, at the time it needed to be said, and in the way it needed to be said. Never skirting the issue or beating around the bush. Yet He did it with grace, never making it a personal attack against someone, only the sin or situation by which they were involved.

It seems to me that each of us find ourselves somewhere on the grace/truth spectrum. It is important that we identify where we stand on this spectrum and that we aim for the center, the perfect match of grace and truth, as Jesus was. When we find ourselves there (and we never will be perfect as Jesus was), then we will be able to answer critics as Jesus did."

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