Now, every morning we hear him in his room between 4:00 and 5:00 a.m. talking, singing, laughing, playing. I should add that he has two volumes; loud and louder, and he shares a bedroom with his ten month old baby brother.

Neither Kim (my wife) or I are morning people but, given the above options, we are being forced into this lifestyle (at least for the time being). So, we can either deny it or accept it, we can either go to bed at an early hour or be tired and grumpy every day. So, we accept it, we go to bed early, we get up earlier, and we change everything! Why? Because when you decide to be a parent, children change everything.
Children Change Everything!
In effect, our son is saying to him mother and I; "Since you have decided to have me as your son, you must forget about your own desires, you must give up your personal wants, you must deny yourself some sleep, and adapt to my schedule every day from now on."
As a pastor and a believer in Christ it occurs to me that Jesus said something very similar; "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." (Luke 9:23) As followers of Jesus Christ we must give up our own desires, we must give up our personal wants, we must deny ourselves some sleep, some time, some pleasure, and follow Him and His schedule from now on.
Why? Because when you decide to be a follower of Christ, Jesus changes everything.
Jesus Changes Everything!
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