Tuesday, June 12, 2012

God Is In The Room

This picture is the wallpaper on my laptop. An artist, with the assistance of a smoke machines, has found a way to produce clouds indoors and has taken several stunning pictures. And while these pictures are quite remarkable I could not help but think of one thing as I looked at them; "God is in the room". 

SEE, no matter where we are, no matter what we are doing God is in the room with us. God is all-present or omnipresent, meaning that He is in all places at all times - that is one of the characteristics that defines Him as God.

AND, because God is omnipresent, He is here for us when we need Him the most. Likewise, He is there when we would rather Him not be, that is when we are doing things that we know He does not approve of - when we are doing things contrary to His will and His purpose.

YET, if we could simply remember that "God is in the room" with every decision that we make, every action that we take, every thought that we think, and every word that we speak, we would do better to obey His will and fulfill His purpose.

AND, although we do not have the benefit of seeing God in the form of a visible cloud in the room with us at every moment of the day, what we do have is His Spirit living in us and working through us. Through God's Spirit we are able to achieve all that God has called us to, all that He has desired for us, and all that He has created us for.

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