Wednesday, August 1, 2012

God, don't wake me up!

This week the kids and I have been reading about Samuel. Saturday we read about Hannah at the temple praying for a son. Monday we read about Hannah dedicating Samuel to the Lord and leaving him to work for the priest Eli. And tonight we read about the Lord speaking to Samuel in the middle of the night.

Each night after we have read through these Bible stories we have had a brief time of discussion with some very profound questions from a three-year-old boy and a six-year-old girl. But, what has struck me the most is the prayers that have followed our time of devotions and discussion.

Tonight we talked briefly about the story and ways that God may be speaking to us, we talked specifically about God speaking to us through prayer and through the Bible. Zion, my three-year-old son, followed our discussion with his prayer;
God, thank you for this day. And, God thank you for all the things we have done today. God thank you for my bed and my pillow, and Wubzzy, and thank you for Wocket in my pocket. Thank you for my chocolate milk, and Blue. And God, thank you for speaking to me. Make sure you speak to me when I am done with my prayer. And don't wait and speak to me after I go to sleep tonight and wake me up. Amen!
I thank God that He has given me this time with my children. I thank God that He has given me the opportunity to share with my children. I thank God that my children are listening to His Word. I thank God that He is applying His Word to their young minds and tender hearts. I thank God that He speaks; that He speaks to me, that He speaks through me, and that He speaks to my children.

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