Monday, February 2, 2015

Choose Love

Recently I had the honor of unveiling our vision to the church; "Love Like Jesus".

This afternoon I was reading Brandon Hatmaker's book, "Barefoot Church" and came upon a passage that struck the heart of this vision to love like Jesus. 

There are so many choices to make where faith and real life collide. We feel the pressure to make the right decisions and lead others, often when we have no idea what to do. 

Here’s a suggestion: when in doubt, choose love. 
• Can’t decide if you should give? Choose love. 
• Can’t seem to swallow your pride on a foolish matter? Choose love. 
• Having a hard time forgiving someone? Choose love. 
• Rather keep your time for yourself than help someone in need? Choose love. 
• What would Jesus really do? Choose love.

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