Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Doubts and Encouragement

Yesterday morning I started a new book as a part of my devotions. The book is "God's Word in 66 verses. The key verse used in chapter 1 was Genesis 15:6; "He believed the Lord, and He counted it to Him as righteousness.". 

I gave this passage little thought - brief meditation - before moving on to another devotion book (I like to use several and wait for God to speak through one or all of them). 

This morning, in another devotion book, "A Guide To Prayer", I was directed to read Romans 4, under the heading "Prayers and Promises". 

Turning to this chapter with little thought I soon came to verse 3; "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness". 

Just last night I spoke before a committee of people, revealing a call that God has laid upon my mind and heart, a call that will have some definite costs, but also one that may have eternal rewards. 

As I continue to share this call - this urgency - with friends and leaders surrounding me, I do so with confidence and conviction. 

Yet in the quiet hours, I begin to question - even doubt - whether I am hearing God clearly. 

And, as I sit alone with God in this first hour of my morning, I thank Him that He speaks to me, hears my questions, knows my doubts, and encourages me. 

As God speaks, I will listen, believe, and obey.

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