Saturday, May 21, 2016

Nearing Home

Finished a book tonight, "Nearing Home" by Billy Graham. The subtitle of this book states, "Life, Faith, and Finishing Well". 

My wife has been asking why I decided to read this book right now, given my age and stage of life it seemed odd. However,  I would summarize my reasoning for reading this book with a line from the first chapter. On page 4 Billy Graham writes "I wonder. What home are you preparing for?"

As a follower of Christ, I am called to prepare for my heavenly home with The Lord. As a husband and a father, I am called to prepare my family for their heavenly home with The Lord.  As a pastor, I am called to prepare the people in my church for their heavenly home with The Lord. In every area, my call is to prepare. 

So, ask yourself, what home are you preparing for?

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