Monday, August 22, 2016

Sheep, Leadership, and Love

Reading from Mark 6:34 this morning; When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.

It reminded me of a conversation I recently had with a friend and the thoughts I came to following this conversation.

If sheep do not have a shepherd they will get lost.

If sheep are not led by their shepherd they will seek another flock.

If sheep do not feel loved by their shepherd they will not trust his care.

If sheep are injured by their shepherd they will bite back.

Reading in my devotions this morning; The sheep were dependent on the shepherd for the opportunity and direction to find food and shelter. Jesus knew that what people needed then, and still need today, are compassionate leaders who will provide selfless direction for the people near them.

Which brings me to this thought for the day; "Am I loving the people that God is placing before me today?"

This includes my wife, my children, my friends, my church, and every stranger that I encounter. Am I love the people that God is placing before me today?

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