Thursday, August 29, 2019


My daughter went out to ride her bike in the parking lot. I watched her through the window for a few minutes and then turned my attention away. Looking back two minutes later I saw her bike parked in the driveway but she was not with it. 


Minutes later I still did not see her so I opened the front door and called for her. 

No answer. 

I walked to the back door, opened it and called for her. 

No answer. 

Walking through the house, back toward the front door, I called for her. 

No answer.  

Stepping out the front door, into the driveway, I called for her. 

No answer. 

Scanning the parking lot, the front yard, and the side yards, I called for her.

No answer.

Running to the back yard, looking in the pool and into the woods, I called for her.

No answer.

Back inside, frantically running from room to room, I called for her.

No answer.

Through the front door again, panicked in the front yard, I called for her.

No answer. 


Turning toward the swing set there she now stood - smiling and waving - without a word.


So I asked;

Did you hear me call for you?

Why didn’t you answer me?


And I wondered;

How often does God call for me?

How often do I hear Him call?

How often do I answer Him?


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