Thursday, May 26, 2022

Do not let your hearts be troubled

Do not let your hearts be troubled.
Sometimes we need to repeat it…and repeat it…and repeat it again.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled.” In a world of chaos, confusion, heartache, and heartbreak this is - for some the equivalent of being told to “calm down.” It’s rarely effective.

But, this statement of Jesus is worth unpacking because - no matter where you stand with God - no one wants a troubled heart.
First off, notice that Jesus speak of a plural “hearts”. We need to be reminded that we are not alone - or that we are not meant to be and do not need to be. In the midst of the struggles of this world, we are called to be in community for support and encouragement.
Then, note Jesus’ next statement; “You believe in God…”. Perhaps, when heartache and heartbreak overwhelm us we need to declare these words. Perhaps, when a friend or loved one is struggling we need to declare these words. Not as a question, but as a declaration; “You believe in God!”
Financial struggles? You believe in God!
Relationship strain? You believe in God!
Spiritual battles? You believe in God!
Emotional turmoil? You believe in God!
Physical ailments? You believe in God!

And finally, don’t stop short of Jesus’ overall message (and the context). ”Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God! Believe also in me.” Why? Because, as Jesus reminds us in the next verse “…in this world you will have trouble (remember that) but I (Jesus) have overcome the world (celebrate that).

Life sucks sometimes. But I believe in God!
And I hold true to faith in The One who has overcome the world. And since He has overcome the word, He can help me overcome anything that this world brings about.

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