Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Unnoticed Servants

This is a great picture of the kids, taken yesterday as we finished up our "nature hike" at the forest preserve near our home.

It's difficult to get a good picture of our kids, this is because they are four and two and when one is in the mood for a picture, the other is not, when one decides to smile, the other decides to act like a fool, when one decides to look at the camera, the other seems to be in their own world. You get the picture, no pun intended.

But, this is a good, quality picture of the kids and I am proud to say that I am the one that captured them in this moment of good behavior, stillness, focus, and smiles.

But I can't take all of the credit.

You see, or rather, you don't see, my wife Kim is really the one that should get the credit for this wonderful picture of our kids. While I knelt down to snap this photo she was galloping around behind me pretending to ride a horse while making all of the actions and noises that go along with it. She is really the one that made this photo a success.

This week we are speaking on the topic of service, serving God, serving the church, serving the community, and serving the world. As I think about this picture and about service, it occurs to me that there are so many that work behind the scenes, making the events, programs, and ministries not only possible but making them a success. So many of these servants don't ever get the recognition or the credit that they deserve and so many never desire it. 

A special word of thanks to all that serve God on a regular basis. Perhaps you feel unappreciated from time to time, as though no one notices the work that you are doing, the time and energy that you are spending to make so many things flow seamlessly. Let me just say that, although you may not be noticed, although you may not be given the recognition or the credit that you deserve, your work is being noticed, your labor is not in vain, and someday real soon you will be given the appropriate reward for all of your service to The Lord.  

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Obama Health Care Plan

In this video Dr. David Janda discusses the rationing component inherent in ObamaCare, how it MUST be repealed for the good of the nation. (This is part of an election speach on behalf of Dr. Rob Steele who is running for Congress in Michigan)

Below is an article written by Dr. David Janda discussing this same topic in more detail with some rather interesting and informative links.


By David H. Janda M.D.

As a physician who has authored books on Preventative Health Care and Health Care Cost Containment, I was recently given the opportunity to be the keynote speaker at a Congressional Dinner at The Capitol Building in Washington D.C… The presentation, entitled Health Care Reform; The Power & Profit of Prevention was well received.

In preparation for the presentation, I read the latest version of “reform” as authored by The Obama Administration and supported by Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid. It is important to realize that The Obama Health Care Plan is comprised of two parts…..that’s right, not one but two parts.

The first part of The Obama Health Care Plan was buried in The Stimulus Bill which was signed into law by the President in February (see READ the STIMULUS). It is the second part of The Health Care Plan which is now being debated in Congress. Here is the link to the over 1000 page document….. Bill Text.

Let me summarize just a few salient points of the two part Obama Health Care Plan. Warning……. They need to put the same warning on The Obama Health Care Plan as they do a pack of cigarettes…..Consuming this product WILL be hazardous to your health.

The underlying method of cutting costs throughout the plan is based on rationing and denying care, NOT PREVENTING health care need. The plan’s method is the most inhumane and unethical approach in cutting costs. The rationing of care is implemented through a Council, equivalent to the National Health Care Board in the British Health Care System. The name given to this panel is The Federal Coordinating Council For Comparative Effectiveness Research (”Federal Council”). (Section 9201 H.R. 1 Version of the Stimulus Bill.)

President Obama has already appointed the fifteen member Federal Council. According to the Stimulus Bill, p. 152, all members of the Council must be “senior federal officers or employees.” Thus, medical treatment will be dispensed by a group of bureaucrats from their ivory towers, not by the hands-on practitioners in the presence of the patients. The council was funded with $1.1 BILLION from The Stimulus Bill. (Source.)

“Comparative Effectiveness Research” is based on the formula of the approval or rejection of treatment for patients based upon the cost per treatment divided by the number of years the patient will benefit from the treatment.

According to former New York Lieutenant Governor and Health Policy Analyst Dr. Betsy McCaughey, the Federal Council will set a cost effectiveness standard for treatment. (Stimulus Bill p. 464) Translation…..if you are over 65 or have been recently diagnosed as having an advanced form of cardiac disease or aggressive cancer, dream on if you think you will get treated…..pick out your box. Oh, you say…this could never happen. Sorry….this is the same model they use in Britain.

The plan also empowers the Federal Council to create another level of bureaucracy, The Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research. (Health Care Bill, Section 1181, p. 502). The effect of this extra level of bureaucracy is to slow the development of new medications and technologies in order to reduce costs. How special is that!

The plan also outlines that doctors and hospitals will be overseen and reviewed by The National Coordinator of Health Information Technology. This “Coordinator” will be responsible for monitoring treatments to make sure doctors and hospitals are strictly following what the government deems appropriate and cost effective, and to “guide medical decisions at the time and place of care.” (Stimulus Bill, p. 116; see also pp. 442, 446).

The Stimulus Bill goes on to say that hospitals and doctors that are NOT “meaningful users” of the new systems will face penalties. The Secretary of Health and Human Services will be empowered to impose “more stringent measures of meaningful use over time.” (Stimulus Bill pp. 366, 478, 511, 518, 540, 541.) According to those in Congress, penalties could include large six figure financial fines and possible imprisonment. According to the Obama Plan, if your doctor saves your life but breaks government protocol, you might have to go to the prison to see your doctor for follow-up appointments. I believe this is the same model Stalin used in the former Soviet Union.

Section 102 of the Health Care Plan has the Orwellian title: “Protecting the Choice to Keep Current Coverage.” What this section really mandates is that it is ILLEGAL for you to keep your private insurance if your status changes, e.g., if you lose or change your job, become a senior citizen, graduate from college and land your first job. Yes, illegal. When President Obama was asked about this portion of his plan recently, his response was, “I am not familiar with that part of the plan.”

Obama hosted a conference call with bloggers urging them to pressure Congress to pass his health plan as soon as possible.

During the call, a blogger from Maine said he kept running into an Investors Business Daily article that claimed Section 102 of the House health legislation would outlaw private insurance. He asked: “Is this true? Will people be able to keep their insurance and will insurers be able to write new policies even though H.R. 3200 is passed?” President Obama replied: “You know, I have to say that I am not familiar with the provision you are talking about.”

Then there is Section 1233 of the Health Care Bill, devoted to “Advanced Care Planning.” After each American turns 65 years of age they have to go to a mandated counseling program that is designed to end life sooner. This session is to occur every 5 years unless the person has developed a chronic illness then it must be done every year. The topics in this government run session will include how to decline hydration, nutrition and how to initiate hospice care. It is no wonder the Obama Administration does NOT like my emphasis on Prevention. Under the Health Care Plan for cost containment, Prevention is the “enemy,” since people would live longer.

I rest my case….The Health Care Plan authored by Obama / Pelosi / Reid is hazardous to the health of every American.

In the question/answer session following my Capitol Hill presentation, a Congressman asked: “I am doing a number of network interviews next week on the Obama Health Care Plan. If I am asked what is the one word to describe the plan, what should I answer?”
The answer is simple, honest, direct, analytical, and sad, but truthful. The word is FASCIST.
Dr. Janda is a practicing orthopedic surgeon and a world-recognized expert on prevention, healthcare cost containment, and health care reform. His website is

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How He Loves (you and me)

David Crowder Band's song "How He Loves" has been out for some time. It expresses the way that God truly feels about His creation, that is you and I. Not only are the lyrics a wonderful portrayal of God's love for us, the analogies used to paint this portrait bring His love for us to life conveying the emotions and power behind His grace, mercy, and love.

He is jealous for me, Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree, / Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy. / When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory, / And I realize just how beautiful You are, / And how great Your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us oh / Oh how He loves us, / How He loves us all  

He is jealous for me, Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree, / Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy. / When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory, / And I realize just how beautiful You are, / And how great Your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us oh, / Oh how He loves us, / How He loves us all

He loves us, / Oh how He loves us, / Oh how He loves us, / Oh how He loves.

And we are His portion and He is our prize, / Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes, / If His grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking. / And heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss, / And my heart turns violently inside of my chest, / I don’t have time to maintain these regrets, / When I think about, the way…

That He loves us, / Oh how He loves us, / Oh how He loves us, / Oh how He loves. / Yeah, He loves us, / Oh how He loves us, / Oh how He loves us, / Oh how He loves.

Yeah, He loves us, / Oh how He loves us, / Oh how He loves us, / Oh how He loves.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lessons from Bath Time

Bath time at our house is always very eventful.

A couple nights ago Kim had to run out and I wanted to get the kids in and out of the bath before dinner. So I started the water and called out for them to come and get in the bath. Seconds later I heard Zion ripping his diaper off as I passed him in the hallway. As I tossed something in the garbage can it occurred to me, "he still had his shirt on" (Zion can't take his shirt off by himself). I walked into the bathroom and saw him sitting waist deep in the running bath water and asked "did you forget something?" That explains the look on his face in this picture.

We all "jump" into certain situations without fully thinking through the steps that need to be taken or the preparations that need to be made, much like Zion did when he jumped into the bath without removing his shirt.

There are various situations in which we need to make preparations before we enter into them. Accepting Christ in our lives is not one of these. Christ tells us to come to Him with all of our burdens, with all of our anxiety, with all of our fears, with all of our failures, and He will meet us where we are. and although there are no preparations that need to be made, there are still steps that need to be taken, a shift in our mindset that needs to be made. That shift comes when we begin to let go of this world, when we begin to let go of ourselves and admit that we need Jesus Christ as our Savior, our Lord, and our Master. It is then that we take the two steps outlined in Romans 10:9, confess and believe. And, "YOU WILL BE SAVED"!

Back to the kids and bath time for a moment. Our kids love taking baths, partially because we let them play for an extended period of time before making them get out and they enjoy splashing around in the water. So, when we tell them that it is time to get out of the tub, it is usually met with some hostility and argument.  And, although Zion does not want to get out, he has yet to figure out the whole cause and effect thing, the repercussions of an action. So instead of telling him that it is time to "get out of the tub" I usually will ask him to "pull the plug". This gives him yet something else to do in the tub. And, as the water runs out, he gets cold, and wants to get out of the tub to get warmed up and get dressed.

While there will remain certain preparations, actions, or changes for almost every stage of our lives. In the same way, various repercussions of our actions follow. What are our repercussions of accepting Christ?

Here are JUST A FEW:
- letting go of this world (Luke 14:26)
-  denying one's self (Matthew 16:24)
- take up the one's cross (Matthew 10:38)
- make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20)
- filled with joy (Acts 13:52)
- love for others (1 Thessalonians 4:9)
- fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Impressions


In our home we have certain standards by which we keep. I hope that when guests enter our home they find themselves welcomed and find that it a comfortable and enjoyable place to be. We keep our home clean and organized for the most part. While some things have changed recently, here is what our living room looks like regularly. 

I say this not to brag, but only to say that this is the first impression guests have of our home when they walk in the door. Because of this, they may get the impression that our entire home is clean and organized, perhaps even clutter free.

Just a few weeks ago my wife, Kim, took a picture of the "play room" in the basement. This is a room that the kids can keep their toys in, play in, and, aside from general rules, create total chaos in while they explore their imaginations and have fun being kids. Here is what she captured:

These pictures are, by no means, the worst case scenario for the playroom or for the basement on a given day. Our kids have a lot of fun in this room and we would like nothing less. Yet as I thought about these pictures, the condition of our home, both in cleanliness and organization, it occurred to me that this is the way we often try to live our lives.

We strive to give certain impressions, perhaps first impressions to those we meet and interact with and we present the clean and organized portions to them. While, under the surface chaos reigns, things needing to be sorted out and perhaps even done away with.
Likewise, we often try to compartmentalize our lives, keeping the clean and organized for certain people or certain situations, while the messed up portions of our lives are open for others to see and experience. Some may think of the face/act we put forth at church versus that we show at work or home. I tend to put on one face for our friends, and acquaintances, while showing my true face to my family here at home.

We all need some chaos in our lives, areas that we can be free, free to say what we are feeling or thinking, areas that we are open, open to accountability and improvements, and areas where we can relax, relax from the pressures and stresses of this life. But, we also have areas in our lives that we have let go for far too long, areas that need to be cleaned up and cleaned out.

Monday, October 11, 2010

He is in control

I read this morning in "My Utmost for His Highest"
"If Jesus Christ is bringing you into the understanding that prayer is for the glorifying of His Father, He will give you the first sign on His intimacy - silence."
Our church family enjoys many of the benefits and blessings that members of a mega-church might never find. We know one another on a first-name basis, we share prayer requests and praises on a weekly basis, we share in meals with one another at the church and our homes on a regular basis. I truly enjoy being the Pastor of this church body and consider it a true blessing to belong to this family.

Our average attendance on a Sunday morning is around 70. I spoke last week about being "content" with the size of our church family from the aspect of being complete, lacking no one, while at the same time being discontent with the number of people within our community and the world that do not know Christ or have a church home of their own. This is a wonderful concept and one that our church family embraced. Yet, as the Pastor, I found it very difficult to buy into my own words. You see, I want our church to grow, I want to see the seats packed every time we gather together, I want to see our numbers climb at an alarming rate, so much so that people within our community take notice and want to join in a become a part of it.

This past week we had 59 in our Sunday morning worship service. As I came to the church this morning I was a bit down, much like our numbers were yesterday. Yet these words from my devotional hit me where I needed it the most, MY PRIDE!

The question I must ask is: Why do I have the desire for our church to grow?" Well, I want the church to grow so that Christ may be glorified, so that His name is brought honor, and so that others may be brought closer to Him and know Him as their Master and Savior. This should be the desire of our hearts if we are striving to please God and fulfill the ministry that He has called each one of us to.

So, if this is the desire of our hearts we need to be more open to what the Spirit is leading us to. We need to be content with the number we have on a Sunday morning with the understanding that this is who God has called us to minister to on this given day.

If God has called us to a church of 60, 40, 20, or even 10, to Him be the glory! No one knows better than He does who will gain from the ministry done at this time, in the place, and with these words. Know one knows better than He does what gifts we have, what gifts we lack, what lessons we need to learn, and how we need to learn them.

This is just one more time I was reminded that God is in complete control and I need to let go and allow Him to have it. Completely!   

Friday, October 8, 2010

Glee/What People Need


This past Tuesday the show "Glee" was on and although I do not normally watch it, the storyline this week was that of religion and spirituality. So, not only did I stay in the room and on the channel, I actually paid attention (something I do not always do).

In this episode, one of the characters makes a grilled cheese sandwich and when he opens the grill sees what he believes to be an image of Jesus. He then deems this "grilled cheesus". He proceeds to pray to the sandwich, asking it for various signs and confirmations of control. Although this opening made me skeptical that this was yet another television show that was trying to bash the name and the image of Christ, I stuck around and gave Glee more of a chance this week.

The most basic issue I had with this portion of the episode was that it was as if someone with no understanding whatsoever was attempting to explain Jesus Christ, Christianity, and everything about faith, prayer, belief, etc. As one fellow blogger wrote "I suppose it would be like me, an Asian American, writing about what it’s like to be black; I can research and I can see the cultural or societal view of being black, but it would be quite amazing if I could write about the true experience."

These words explained where the writers of this show were coming from, because a basic level of research had been done, a cultural or social view had been considered, and then off to the writing boards they went. Yet how can I say this? I do not know if the writers, the producers, or the actors of the show Glee are born-again Christians or if they make claim to any faith at all.

Yet this same basic approach is made by so-called Christians everyday, those that claim to follow Christ and have a faith in Him. So many are not truly experiencing the saving grace, the fellowship, and the presence of Jesus Christ and His Spirit within their lives. Yet they are "Christians".

We are told in Matthew 7 not to judge, and for this reason we leave this alone. Who are we to judge those around us that claim the name of Jesus and yet do not have the depth of understanding, the depth of relationship, or the depth of desire to truly know Him? We so easily forget that we are to hold one another accountable, that we are to "consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds" (Hebrews 10:24 ), that we are to "encourage one another and build each other up"  (1 Thess. 5:11), and that, if we are truly a part of the body of Christ, we are all a part of the same body (1 Cor. 12).

Back to Glee, as the program went on various situations played into the storyline, "church and state", "religion in school", "homosexuality", "death", "the afterlife", "family", and several more. The basic conclusion to the episode was that, we all need to have faith in something, we all need to believe in something. I can definitely get behind this on the most basic level. I don't see how anyone can live in the world and honestly believe that there in no "higher power", that there is no God. Further, I don't see why anyone would continue to live if they honestly believe that there is no God and no hope after they pass away from this world.

We all need to have faith in something. True! Yet the issue in our world today is that so many have a faith in something, and that something is anything. What people NEED in our world today is a faith in The Living God, The God that does not change, The God that created, loves, and sustains everything. What people NEED in our world today is a lasting relationship with The God that offers forgiveness for yesterday, joy for today, and confidence for tomorrow. What people NEED in our world today is God!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Answer

We talk a lot at our church about the importance of a daily quiet time with God. Not only is it important that we read the Scriptures on a daily basis (or at least strive to do so daily), it is vitally important that we communicate with Him and allow Him to communicate with us through prayer and meditation.

It is all too often when I allow my schedule to get in the way of my time with the Lord and I find that the later in the day it gets, the harder it is for me to sit down, clear my mind, and focus on God. And I have found that even when I don't feel like sitting down for an extended period of time and meeting with God, as soon as I begin to focus on Him, nothing else matters and I find complete joy in our time together.

However, early last week I would have my quiet time, I would read Scripture, journal, pray, and meditate in His Spirit, and yet nothing. I spent more time, and, nothing. This same thing went of for a couple of days, the harder I tried, the more time I spent, the more disciplines I followed, still nothing.

That is when God made me aware that I had gotten away from a total dependence on Him and that I was instead looking to myself for the answer.

In John 14:5-6  Thomas says to Jesus; "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" And Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." 

Last Thursday morning I echoed these words of Thomas, "I don't know where you are going, so how can I know the way?" 

It is at these moments that Christ reminds us that, we don't need to know where He is going, we just need to hold on to Him, to cling to his ways, His truths, and His life and we will come to the Father. 

May we all depend on Christ at a very deep level, to His way, His truth, and His life. May we be drawn to God our Father as we are shown where He is going and where He is leading us. May we be open to His call and His ministry through us.