It is all too often when I allow my schedule to get in the way of my time with the Lord and I find that the later in the day it gets, the harder it is for me to sit down, clear my mind, and focus on God. And I have found that even when I don't feel like sitting down for an extended period of time and meeting with God, as soon as I begin to focus on Him, nothing else matters and I find complete joy in our time together.
However, early last week I would have my quiet time, I would read Scripture, journal, pray, and meditate in His Spirit, and yet nothing. I spent more time, and, nothing. This same thing went of for a couple of days, the harder I tried, the more time I spent, the more disciplines I followed, still nothing.
That is when God made me aware that I had gotten away from a total dependence on Him and that I was instead looking to myself for the answer.
In John 14:5-6 Thomas says to Jesus; "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" And Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Last Thursday morning I echoed these words of Thomas, "I don't know where you are going, so how can I know the way?"
It is at these moments that Christ reminds us that, we don't need to know where He is going, we just need to hold on to Him, to cling to his ways, His truths, and His life and we will come to the Father.
May we all depend on Christ at a very deep level, to His way, His truth, and His life. May we be drawn to God our Father as we are shown where He is going and where He is leading us. May we be open to His call and His ministry through us.
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