Monday, October 11, 2010

He is in control

I read this morning in "My Utmost for His Highest"
"If Jesus Christ is bringing you into the understanding that prayer is for the glorifying of His Father, He will give you the first sign on His intimacy - silence."
Our church family enjoys many of the benefits and blessings that members of a mega-church might never find. We know one another on a first-name basis, we share prayer requests and praises on a weekly basis, we share in meals with one another at the church and our homes on a regular basis. I truly enjoy being the Pastor of this church body and consider it a true blessing to belong to this family.

Our average attendance on a Sunday morning is around 70. I spoke last week about being "content" with the size of our church family from the aspect of being complete, lacking no one, while at the same time being discontent with the number of people within our community and the world that do not know Christ or have a church home of their own. This is a wonderful concept and one that our church family embraced. Yet, as the Pastor, I found it very difficult to buy into my own words. You see, I want our church to grow, I want to see the seats packed every time we gather together, I want to see our numbers climb at an alarming rate, so much so that people within our community take notice and want to join in a become a part of it.

This past week we had 59 in our Sunday morning worship service. As I came to the church this morning I was a bit down, much like our numbers were yesterday. Yet these words from my devotional hit me where I needed it the most, MY PRIDE!

The question I must ask is: Why do I have the desire for our church to grow?" Well, I want the church to grow so that Christ may be glorified, so that His name is brought honor, and so that others may be brought closer to Him and know Him as their Master and Savior. This should be the desire of our hearts if we are striving to please God and fulfill the ministry that He has called each one of us to.

So, if this is the desire of our hearts we need to be more open to what the Spirit is leading us to. We need to be content with the number we have on a Sunday morning with the understanding that this is who God has called us to minister to on this given day.

If God has called us to a church of 60, 40, 20, or even 10, to Him be the glory! No one knows better than He does who will gain from the ministry done at this time, in the place, and with these words. Know one knows better than He does what gifts we have, what gifts we lack, what lessons we need to learn, and how we need to learn them.

This is just one more time I was reminded that God is in complete control and I need to let go and allow Him to have it. Completely!   

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