Friday, April 29, 2011

Acts 3:6 : what I have I give you

I was reading from Acts chapter 3, it has a lot of great insights. But this morning, verse 6 caught my attention.
"Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

Words spoken to a crippled beggar who was sitting at the temple gate  asking from money. This statement by Peter was followed by a miraculous healing. This statement verbalizes the true Spirit of Christ - give to those in need.

This does not mean that we, as Christians, are to always give to a person exactly what they are asking for, but rather that we should give out of the abundance, out of the gifts, that God has given to us. Read through chapter 3 of Acts and you will notice that this man was begging for money, Peter did not give him money, but rather, he gave him out of the abundance of what God had given to him; the gift of teaching, healing, and leading.

This crippled beggar at the gate was asking for money. This man was poor and helpless due to his disability. Notice the steps that Peter takes here:
  1. Peter looked straight at him.
  2. Peter spoke to the man and called for his attention.
  3. Peter saw through his felt need (money) to the heart of his problem (his crippling disability).
  4. Peter spoke healing into his life and into his body.
  5. Peter helped him up and walked with him.
  6. Peter stood beside the man and defended him.
This is exactly what we are called to do; take notice of those around us, call for their attention, see through their felt need to the heart of the matter, speak healing into their life through the gifts God has given to us, and walk with others, standing beside them and defending them in difficult times.

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