Friday, April 29, 2011

What are you obsessed with?

We are all obsessed with something or many things. Whether it is ourselves, other people, money, television, the computer, locations, or our possessions, or one of a million other things.

Let's just face it, we are obsessed!

To obsess is "to have the mind excessively preoccupied with a single emotion or topic".

With this definition in mind, I want to be a person that is totally obsessed with Jesus. I want to be a person that is excessively preoccupied with Jesus.

I want to be a person that loves to worship Jesus and takes the opportunity to do so at every chance. I want to be a person that loves to talk and walk with Jesus in readings, study, prayer, and meditation.

But this is just the beginning. I want to be a person that grows to be just like Him; loving and serving just as He did.

And I want to lead others to do the same. I want to lead my family in being totally obsessed with Jesus. I want to lead my church in being totally obsessed with Jesus. I want to lead my circle of influence in being totally obsessed with Jesus.

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