Saturday, August 13, 2011

God's Time Clock

Weeks ago I talked with our church family about the great dangers of "playing church". I don't believe that our church is any more guilty, any more at fault than the modern church is of this tragedy.

You see, if the hour or two that we spend at church on Sunday morning becomes just another hour in our week, we miss out. If we allow our time with God to become just something that we have to do to be a Christian, we miss out.

If we allow worshiping Christ on Sunday morning to become an unexciting, mundane activity and if we walk out of the church unchanged and untouched by the Spirit of God, then there is no reason to come come  into His presence at all.

I think that many people have this idea, whether they realize it or not, of God honoring our worship and devotion to Him on the basis of a time clock. As if when we stand before Him on the day of judgement we are going to be able to show Him our years of devotion and service in the form of time stamps on our Spiritual time card.


I think Dr. John Vernon McGee said it best;
"I am of the opinion that the Lord could stop many church services today and say, 'Listen, let's cut this out. Why are you going through this form? You are not getting close to Me. You are not pleasing Me. When you leave this service, you gossip, you have bitterness in your heart, you are not moral in your conduct, and you are living loose lives. You think you are pleasing Me by your religious form. I want you to know that you are not pleasing Me."

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