Thursday, August 25, 2011

Trip to Effingham

My wife wanted to go shopping this past weekend. I suggested we go to Effingham. It is about an hour away and it was recommended by a gentleman at our church as the best place to shop.

We went and found no quality places for her to shop, at least not what she had in
mind; Menards, Aldi, Walmart, and Kohl's. Later I found out that the man recommended Effingham because of his deep love for Aldi.

Anyhow, we promised the kids a surprise. We began with lunch at Culver's, and then drove around looking for an adequate surprise. When we saw these mules outside a Mexican restaurant I knew it was a photo opportunity. "SURPRISE!" We ended the trip with an trip to Menard's where we visited every isle, played with every toy, and sat in every tub.

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