Sunday, December 30, 2012

Are You Happy?

Are you happy? Happiness is a funny thing. It's an emotional feeling that we sometimes take for granted. We all want to be happy and yet, if we stop to think about it - if we were to survey those we interact with - many would admit that they are not all that happy. We have periods of happiness that are often short-lived and are dependent on circumstances or environments that we find ourselves in. We all want to be happy, but not simply happy, we want long-term happiness.

Definition of HAPPINESS

obsolete : good fortune : prosperity
a : a state of well-being and contentment : joy
b : a pleasurable or satisfying experience

Americans are promised certain things, the Declaration of Independence calls them "inalienable rights", and this documents says that we, as Americans, are endowed with these rights by our Creator. We are promised life, liberty, and "the pursuit of happiness". So, we are given a guarantee for life and for freedom, yet, when it comes to happiness, good luck!

Are you happy?

Because happiness is an emotion and not a tangible thing, the question is often asked; "What will make you happy?" or "What will bring you happiness?" The problem with these questions is that, as human beings, we immediately think of tangible, short-term things - for some this is money, for others it may be food, and still for others it is a possession (house, car, electronic device).

For me happiness comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. It is important that I point out that I am writing about a relationship and not a knowledge or an acceptance of His presence. Happiness in Jesus Christ comes through the knowledge that He came, lived, and died on this earth for us. Happiness in Jesus Christ come through the understanding that He gave up His life so that we can share in His for all of eternity. Happiness come through an acceptance of these things and of Him as our Savior - The One that saves us from our sins. Happiness comes through a relationship with Him as the Lord of our lives and the master of our every way. Happiness comes through a relationship - faithful and committed - with Jesus Christ.

For me happiness comes through God's plan for me - the distinct purpose that He has created me for. Happiness comes through doing the will of God the Father in this life. Happiness comes through an openness to His Holy Spirit - allowing Him to guide my steps and lead my life. Happiness comes through the many blessings that God has given to me - time talents and resources that he has entrusted to me. Happiness comes through God's gift of my wife and family - His call to lead my family as a husband and a father. Happiness comes through our Heavenly Father.

What brings you happiness?

As I look to the start of a new year just around the corner, I am asking myself the question; what can I do to be happier next year than I was this past year. For me - and perhaps for you as well - all of the ingredients for happiness are present. For me it is an attitude of pursuit. How will I pursue happiness? After all, it is an "inalienable right" given to me by my Creator.

Now, rather than answering this question immediately, I encourage you to contemplate on it, pray over it and work at it. Consider all that you have to be happy for; God the Father who has created you in His image - for a distinct purpose - and sustains you by His mighty hand, Jesus Christ who died on your behalf to bring you life and freedom, the Spirit of God who brings you feelings of happiness and joy, and all of the blessings you have of health, relationships, finances, and material possessions. Consider what brings you happiness and decide how you must pursue it. Then make a plan to do just that - and live it out - pursue happiness!

How will you pursue happiness?

May God bless you and keep you. 
May He reveal more of Himself to you. 
May He reveal true happiness to you.
And may He enable you to pursue it always. 

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