Monday, December 31, 2012

Make It Right Now...Not Later

There are two questions that I ask this time every year, maybe you have similar ones;

"What are you going to start doing in the new year?"
"What are you going to stop doing in the new year?"

  • I ask these questions of myself. 
  • I ask these questions about our family. 
  • I ask these questions of our church leadership. 
  • I ask these questions of as many people as I can in regard to as many situations as I can. 

In years past these two questions have helped me to get to the heart of what must happen in the year that lies ahead. This morning I sat to reflect on these two areas and to evaluate how I did - personally, as a husband, as a father, and as a church leader. And that's when it hit me, there is a huge problem with these two questions. 

When we sit to evaluate a situation - whether it be a relationship, an attitude, or an action - whether it relates to our life, our family, our home, or our career - if we come to the conclusion that something must start or stop, we must do it immediately! 

The problem with starting something or stopping something in the new year is that we have such a broad time frame to correct it. So this new year's eve, I am changing my questions and will be asking;

"What are you going to start doing today?"
"What are you going to stop doing today?"

Don't aim to make things right in 2013, aim to make them right now!

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