Friday, April 12, 2013

Consider The Cost

I started reading the book “Not a Fan” by Kyle Idleman. He writes about John Oros, a church leader in Romania during the communist era who vividly lived the cost of being a Christian.

When John spoke at the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, he’d talk to individuals who had decided to become Christians.

He would say things like, “It is so good that you want to become a Christian but there is a price to be paid… why don’t you reconsider what you want to do, because many things could happen to you-you can lose, and lose big.”

He would go on to say to those who followed through and got baptized, “When you give your testimony, there will be informers who will jot down your name.

Tomorrow the problems will start. Count the cost. Christianity is not easy. It’s not cheap. You can be demoted. You can lose your job. You can lose your friends. You can lose your neighbors. You can lose your kids. You can lose even your own life.”

John wanted to get everyone to a place where following Jesus was so important to them, that if they lost everything it would still be worth it.

So, if following Jesus would cost YOU everything, would it still be worth it?

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