Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wishing For A Do-Over

Our family has been watching the Olympics quite a bit this past week. As I watch some of the Olympians take their runs down the slopes or on the ice the commentators are quick to point out an incorrect start or a small (or large) mistake that is made that separates them from the rest of the competitors and takes them out of the running for a medal in the games. As I watch I see the look of sorrow on the faces of these Olympians as they come to the realization that their dream has been lost - if only until 2018. I could not help thinking that some of these Olympians would do anything to have a "do-over". If only they could make that start again, take a corner a bit different, put just a little more into their performance, I am sure they would take their "do-over".

Last weekend all of these thoughts went though my head as I laid on the couch in our living room, not doing much of anything all day. Then, as the evening came upon me and I prepared to call it a day, it struck me just how unproductive I was with the day that I had been given. I was aware of how I may have wasted the day and was wishing for a "do-over" myself. I don't know if you have ever had a day like this, but it really bothers me when I do. 

Or perhaps a day in which you doing something out of character, you make a mistake, a wrong choice that results in someone being hurt or offended and you would do anything to take back your actions or your comments. You wish you could have a simple "do-over".

If there was ever a person - or a couple - that wished they could have a "do-over" I am sure it would be Adam and Eve. It was as if, just after they took a bite of the forbidden fruit, they were wishing for such a "do-over". Ashamed and naked, they went a hid among the shrubs and bushes of the garden - struggling to hide their shame and their sinfulness from the God that had created them and loved them. 

If they could have seen the repercussions of this simple act of theirs, they would have begged and pleaded for a "do-over" from God. Their act of sin brought a curse on all of humanity that we still struggle with today - a curse that drives a wedge between us and God. 

And yet, God offered a way for a "do-over" in the form of His Son Jesus Christ. Through Jesus we can be completely forgiven, and completely purified. The next time you wish you could have a "do-over" think of Adam and Eve, then think of Jesus and his offer to you that is always present - an offer for a "do-over". It may not get rid of the consequences of your actions or your words in this life, but it will get rid of your consequences for all of eternity.   

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fill The Dog Bowl

I do not like our dog. Those close to me know just how I feel about this dog that runs throughout our home. I refer to this dog as my wife's because it was her gift shortly after we were married and I have never had an affectionate (or even warm) feelings about this dog. 

The other day I noticed that the dog's water bowl was low and I thought twice about filling it for her. But, it struck me that if I did not fill her bowl my wife would have to. So I decided to fill the dog's water bowl not because I cared for her so much but because I love my wife. 

The same principle applies in the church. Often we hear people claim that they have "left the church" or that - due to disagreements or struggles - they are reluctant to serve the church. The reality is that these people are not so much hurting the leaders and others within the church as they are hurting God and the thing He cares about the most - that is His Church. 

The next time hardships or trials present themselves in your church or within your church family, make an effort to consider who will truly suffer from your reluctance to serve.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Made Stronger In Their Presence

I have gone to Spring Arbor, Michigan this week to participate in "Equipping for Excellence" and conference for the leadership of the Free Methodist Church. Sharing in fellowship and friendship with the various pastors and leaders at this conference has been wonderful, the leadership development instruction has been great, and the breakout group that I participated in this afternoon was been insightful. However, the portion of the conference that I have enjoyed the most so far has been the worship services.

It has been nice to listen to our Bishops bring teaching and insight from the Scripture. Likewise, the musical worship team has been inspirational and has led our group into the presence of the Almighty God in a new and powerful way during each service. The Spirit of God has been moving through this group of Pastors and leaders in a way that is transnational and life-changing. 

I am not a great singer, music has never been a gift of mine. I am unable to play any musical instrument and I often struggle to carry a tune. However this does not keep me from worshiping. This afternoon - as we praised God in song - I found myself positioned between two of my close friends and fellow pastors - Adam Strauser and Matt Schutter - both are excellent singers - I could listen to either one of them sing for hours. And, as I stood between these two friends , a thought occurred to me; "I am made stronger, I am made better because I am with them". Their presence, their support, and their voices, enabled me to stay on key and to sing in a more powerful way.

And, just as their presence made me stronger in song, the presence of Godly men and women - Godly friends and Godly influences in our lives - make us stronger and make us better because we are with them. As Proverbs 13:20 states "Walk with the wise and become wise".

I should add that both of these friends mentioned above are also very Godly men who support me in my spiritual walk and hold me accountable in various ways. I am thankful for close friends that help to support and guide me through their love, actions, presence, and even their voice.