Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fill The Dog Bowl

I do not like our dog. Those close to me know just how I feel about this dog that runs throughout our home. I refer to this dog as my wife's because it was her gift shortly after we were married and I have never had an affectionate (or even warm) feelings about this dog. 

The other day I noticed that the dog's water bowl was low and I thought twice about filling it for her. But, it struck me that if I did not fill her bowl my wife would have to. So I decided to fill the dog's water bowl not because I cared for her so much but because I love my wife. 

The same principle applies in the church. Often we hear people claim that they have "left the church" or that - due to disagreements or struggles - they are reluctant to serve the church. The reality is that these people are not so much hurting the leaders and others within the church as they are hurting God and the thing He cares about the most - that is His Church. 

The next time hardships or trials present themselves in your church or within your church family, make an effort to consider who will truly suffer from your reluctance to serve.

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