Zion began asking me if he could be baptized almost a year and a half ago. But, because he was only 5 years-old, I told him that it would be better if he would wait to be baptized. He has asked me several times over the past year and a half and every time, after a bit of conversation with him, I conclude by telling him that it would be better if he would wait until he was older.
The reasoning that he gives for wanting to be baptized are reasons that I would encourage others to be baptized; I want to receive communion, I want my sin to be completely washed away, and I want to tell others that I am a Christian, to name a few.
Knowing that I was preparing to baptize three individuals yesterday, he asked me Thursday - as I laid him down for bed - "Dad, can I be baptized on Sunday?" Once again we had a conversation. And, once again, he gave good reasoning for wanting to be baptized; "I want to take communion with you and mom." Then, once again, I old him that it would be best to wait. And on Saturday - before I laid him down for bed - "Dad, will you baptize me tomorrow?" Once again we had a conversation. And, once again, he gave good reasoning for wanting to be baptized; "I want Jesus to wash all my sin away in front of the church." Then, once again, I old him that it would be best to wait.

During the service I had a short conversation with God.
After the service I had a short conversation with my wife.
Then I had a short conversation with Zion.
And I got to celebrate an amazing moment with my son.
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