Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Christian Walk and Riding a Bike

 Almost four years ago I wrote a post about teaching our daughter to ride a tricycle, and then a bicycle with training wheels (you can read it here). In this post I quoted author Robert Tuttle, who wrote that the "Christian walk is much like riding a bicycle; we are either moving forward or falling off".

I was recently reminded of this quote - and my post - when I took our son out to the church parking lot and he asked me to remove the training wheels from his bicycle.

Not only have I had the pleasure of teaching my oldest two children how to ride a bike, I have also had the great honor of baptizing them into the family of God. 

The same week that Zion took off on his bicycle on two wheels he was also baptized, both of these events happening at the church. Both of these milestones required teaching from me and commitment for them. And I will remember the joy of both of these events for the rest of my life.

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