In 2015 our church family decided to use a whole-church curriculum, implementing it in our children, youth, and adult classes, small groups, and sermons. This was particularly strange to me as it (broadly) dictated what passages I preached from each week. Because I could never preach another person's sermon, nor would I desire to, I developed a preaching calendar based on the 31 chapters (plus one for Easter) of The Story. I am a series preacher and found that planning our specific series helped me in the preparation of the sermons because I had a focused theme to concentrate on. I also believe that preaching various sermon series over the course of 32 weeks helped keep our church family to stay better connected to the themes. Likewise, I found that developing six different series kept the church family from getting bored because the images and illustrations used changed from month to month and (sometimes) week to week.

I tried my best to keep a flow from start to finish of The Story. Yet, for those who did not recognize the theme, I thought I would share what the plan looked like in my mind more than a year ago. And, where I failed to adequately convey the theme or the subject matter, you have the outline before you and, perhaps on paper it will make sense.

I tried my best to keep a flow from start to finish of The Story. Yet, for those who did not recognize the theme, I thought I would share what the plan looked like in my mind more than a year ago. And, where I failed to adequately convey the theme or the subject matter, you have the outline before you and, perhaps on paper it will make sense.

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