Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Belt and Shoes

The other day I left the house and I forgot my belt. Now, for those of you who do not wear a belt EVERY DAY this may not sound like such a travesty. But, for me, it was!

I did not necessary NEED a belt, my pants seemed to fit just fine (in fact all of my pants seem to be getting snugger these days). So because I did not NEED my belt that morning, I simply forgot to put it on.

And I had no time to return home to get my belt. You see, I was out visiting with members of our church and members of our community and I had no way to return home to grab a belt. So, throughout the day this lack of belt was all that I seemed to think about. It was as if my entire day was thrown off simply because I did not have my belt on.

As soon as I returned home that evening I quickly went into my closet to get a belt and I put it on. Taking a deep breath of relief I was able to go o with the rest of my day knowing that all was well.

The next day, when I opened my closet, my belt was not hanging in its normal spot in the closet. Looking to the floor I saw that it had fallen down next to my shoes. That's when it hit me, I would never forget my shoes!

You see, shoes are a necessity (for me). If I leave my house without my shoes on, I quickly realize it and I return to my closet to slide a pair on. And there is the real truth, there is a huge difference between an accessory and a necessity.

This drew my mind to Ephesians chapter 5 and the "full armor of God". In Ephesians 5 Paul urges the church the put on the full armor of God, one item being the "belt of truth". We are to put it on simply because it is a part of the "full armor of God".

So, are you wearing the "full armor of God"? Is is an accessory in your life or is it something that is necessary to your daily walk - your daily battles?

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