Saturday, January 9, 2016

Opposition Getting Dressed

It is a normal occurrence that I have the chance to dress our youngest, a twenty-two month old little girl. On the brink of turning two she is daily giving us more of a glimpse of her independence and personality. 

Just the other day she woke early and the first thing she wanted to do was get dressed. However, we ran into a bit of an issue when I put her shirt on her. As she attempted to slide her arm into the sleeve it did not work perfectly! As she met opposition she gave a bit of an attitude and quickly pulled her arm out of her shirt. 

We tried again, this time I helped her out by guiding her arm into the sleeve. Yet, when she attempted to put her other arm in, again she ran into opposition. This did not please her and she was done! She was done with the shirt, done getting dressed, done with me, and done with the day! 

It occurred to me how often in life I act in just this way. As soon as I encounter opposition, I tend to give a bit of an attitude and turn in the opposite direction. Often I forget that I have a Heavenly Father that wants to help guide and direct me in the path that I should go. And, even when things do not function perfectly He is there to lead into guide, even encouraging me along the way. 

And I doubt that I am alone in this. How often, when things don't go perfectly, do you get an attitude or turn to go in the opposite direction? How often do you forget you have a Heavenly Father that loves you and wants to guide you just the way He would have you go?

Let us remember, anytime we face opposition, He is there with us - and for us.

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