Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Farmers Need The Rain

Record rainfall has flooded many roads and fields. And, inevitably, someone calls out in ignorance “but the farmers need the rain”. 



It is true, the farmers need the rain. The farmers need the rain to prepare the ground for the planting of the seed. The farmers need the rain to nurture the plants and help them grow throughout the season. The farmers need the rain to prepare for the planting and for the harvest. But, there comes a time when the farmers do not need more rain. 



It occurs to me that - just as rain is God’s preparation for the ground and nutrients for the plants preparing them for harvest - Bible studies within The Church prepare The Church for the planting of seeds - evangelism - and for nurture Christians as we grow and mature in our faith. 



But, just as there comes a time when the farmers do not need more rain, there comes a time when The Church does not need more Bible study. There comes a time when believers must open the doors, walk out into the world and begin to sow the seed of God. There comes as time when The Church must plant the truth of Jesus into the lives of those that are lost, hurt, and in need. There comes a time when Christians must help make the fields ready for harvest. 



This is the call on The Church today.

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