Monday, July 8, 2019

I Need Help

I went to lunch today. At the moment I walked in the individual working was already complaining to a customer.
She was hurried and rude as she took my order. She told the woman in front of me; “We just opened so you’ll have to wait for ice”. A gentleman came in after me and she yelled; “I’m all alone back here, it’s going to be a while”. Several minutes later a young man walked in and she yelled; “Oh no, we’ve had too many customers. Either you’ll have to wait or the food is going to suffer”.
It wasn’t until later, when a co-worker came in that I came to understand that she was upset because she was there all alone. 
I don’t share this to complain but, instead, to share a thought.
Do we sometimes complain those we are called to serve because we are feeling overwhelmed? Do we sometimes hurry and rush those that we are called to share with because we feel overburdened? Do we sometimes yell at those that we are called to help rather than taking our needs to the one that can come along side us and give us peace and lift our burdens? 
If you are feeling overwhelmed or overburdened today, God cares and can help. Perhaps He is simply waiting for you to call out to Him for assistance.

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