In addition to being an adjustment, it brought a lot of anxiety to Kim and I throughout the day and especially as we waiting for her to come home on the school bus. The first day we waited around for over an hour, not sure of the exact time that the bus would arrive and countless times Kim was itching to call transportation to check on the bus.
This weekend we received a call and a letter from her teacher, bringing us even more comfort. In the letter she stated that this past week was the "honeymoon phase". And although the kids were very excited to come to school, meet new friends, and learn new things, that may soon change. She said that soon the kids may begin to get homesick, miss their parents, and not like school. She said this is normal.
Addison loves us very much, we know this because she says it every day, she gives us hugs and kisses, has the desire to play games and spend time with us, and because she (generally) likes to listen to us and please us with her actions. Yet we know that this may someday change, that she may soon have no real desire to spend time with spend much time with us and that the word "hate" may be hurled from her mouth toward us. I'm not sure if I am ready for that yet!
Which led me to thinking; are we in the honeymoon phase with our children? I know that both Kim and I have changed a great deal since we were married seven years ago. This may be due to maturing in both of us, the joy of life, the stress of life, and so many other aspects. Yet one thing is certain, we have both changed and so has our relationship. We are no longer in the honeymoon phase! But we are okay with that, no one can live in the honeymoon phase, not only is it not possible, it is not healthy. But it sure is fun to think of the times of our honeymoon and the memories made up to that point and even after that. And, when this life and so many outside forces are chipping away at us and at our relationship, it is good to remember our honeymoon phase and to strive to get back some of the feelings, the joy, and the happiness that we experienced at that stage in our relationship.
In the same way, we cannot live in the honeymoon phase of our relationship with Jesus Christ. But, it is essential for us to remember the joy that we experienced when we first found the one thing that made life worth living, the only thing that gives our life value. We must strive, daily, to achieve all that Christ has called us to, that is, His purpose for our lives. This is so much easier during the honeymoon phase, but God did not call us to the honeymoon phase, he called us to this life.
John had this to say about remembering you honeymoon phase with Christ, or as he called it, your "first love".
I encourage you to read and reread the above, pray over it, asking God to speak to you through it today.Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. (Revelation 2:4-5)
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