Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pure Worship

Sometimes I wish we could all go back and remember what it was like to be a kid again. The early days of Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Summer Camp, and children's choir were some of the purest days of worship. The freedom to sing loud, clap our hands, and dance was never stifled by the worry of what others might think or say. 

Too often we let our concern and awareness of others put a restriction on our worship of God. And that's when our worship services are filled with statues and frowns.

If you have ever attended a church service that feels more like a funeral than a worship service. This is for you! We all need to remember to have joy in our lives and that it's okay to laugh and enjoy our lives as we walk with the Lord.

This week, let us "cut loose" and worship The One that created the universe!


  1. That movie clip freaks me out everytime!

  2. I have GOT to play that for my grandkids. They'll get a kick out of it. It is a tad freak out worthy, however.
