Last Sunday I had one of these treasured moments with my children. As they sat and played together I mentioned that Easter Sunday was right around the corner, I told them that we would go to church and then travel to Grandpa and Grandma's house for the holiday. Then the three of us shared the following dialog:
Me: "You know what Easter is all about don't you?"
Three-year-old: "CANDY!"
Six-year-old: "No." (with a laugh and an eye roll)
Me: "No, it's not about candy."
Three-year-old: "The Easter bunny!?"
Six-year-old: "No." (with a laugh and an eye roll)
Six-year-old: "It's about hiding eggs!"
Me: "No, we talk about those things at Easter but the real meaning is Jesus!"
Me: "Remember how we talk about Jesus dying on the cross?"
Six-year-old: "Yeah....?"
Me: "Well, Jesus died but then He came back to life three days later."
Me: "That is what we celebrate on Easter. Jesus is alive!"
Six-year-old: "Oh? Yeah!"
Three-year-old: "Daddy? Daddy?" (with a very serious tone and look he grabs me by the cheeks)
Me: "Yes?"
Three-year-old: "Does everything have to be about Jesus?"
"Does everything have to be about Jesus?"
Yes! Everything does have to be about Jesus! Not just everything at Christmas, everything at Easter, and everything at church. Everything that we do has to be about Jesus, everything must be focused toward and centered around Jesus Christ. Not only is this something that I hope to teach my children, this is something that I hope to teach every person that I meet and talk with and every person that sees me live my life.
But, I will never be successful - I will never teach my children or anyone else that EVERYTHING must be about Jesus - if I have not taught myself this first. That is, if I am not living my life in a way that honors, pleases, and glorifies Jesus Christ, nothing else that I do will matter.
So, ask yourself; Does everything have to be about Jesus? Are you living your life in a way that proves this to be true? Are you striving to teach others that everything must be about Jesus?
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