The other day my my wife, Kim, asked me if I would sweep the kitchen floor. So I swept the kitchen floor. I picked up the rugs, I pulled the trash can out, I pulled the refrigerator out, I pulled the kitchen table and chairs out, and I swept the kitchen floor. Then I grabbed a mop and I mopped the kitchen floor. It looked perfect! It was done! So, I moved on to the bathroom...
The next afternoon, however, I walked into the kitchen and noticed some crumbs under my feet. How could this have happened? This floor was perfectly clean yesterday! Soon I found myself on my knees picking up the most minuscule crumbs off the floor. I know this sound ridiculous, and believe me it is, but I wanted this floor to stay perfectly clean for at least twenty-four hours. So, I stayed on my knees until the crumbs were picked up and the floor was perfectly clean once again.

At church these last few weeks we have been focusing on holiness and Christian perfection. And, in order for Christian perfection to be a reality for us we must get down on our knees, lifting our praise, our needs, our concerns, our trials, and our burdens to Jesus. And, this must happen daily.
If we want to keep our Christian lives perfect we must get on our knees and take the time to labor, communicate, and fellowship with our Lord, and we must make things right with Him until everything is perfect once again. Only Christ can bring a person to perfection. It is vitally important that we get on our knees with Him regularly.
"It is hard to stumble when you're on your knees."
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