FMC Wabash Conference Family Camp
Evangelist John Paul Clark
"God, show me my heart".
Jeremiah 17:9
Inwardly we desire to be pure and clean; that is what Christ died for.
Romans 6:1-7
Christ's followers live victoriously over sin!
Romans 7:8-27
Personal willpower and strength is not the answer to purity and cleanliness.
Psalm 51
Verse 1 - plural "transgressions"
Verse 2 - singular "sin"
Only through getting to the root of his sun could David be free, clean, and pure.
Romans 8; Holy Spirit (18 times)
Christ is set to baptize each of us with His Spirit.
The normal Christian life is one where the Spirit enables us to be victorious over sin and purified.
Why do so many settle with a Romans 7 existence.
Because the HS has not been given full access - not been baptized by the HS.
How can we give free access to the HS?
Through a personal crucifixion (Romans 6).
Have you experienced a personal crucifixion where you have died to your flesh?
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