Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Notes from Monday Evening's Service

FMC Wabash Conference Family Camp
Evangelist John Paul Clark

God has commissioned us to be world changers. WE ARE CALLED

The means are clear; by The Spirit's power.

If there is a neglected part of the Trinity it would be the person of The Holy Spirit.

Perhaps the Holy Spirit is saying; "don't be a stranger".

Three ways to avoid being a stranger to the Holy Spirit:
1) Acknowledge that the Holy Spirit is God.
a) Omnipresent -Psalm 139:7
b) Omnipotent -Luke 1:35
c) Omniscient -1 Corinthians 2:11
2) realize that the Holy Spirit is a person.
a) Mind -Romans 8:27
b) Emotions -Ephesians 4:30
c) Will -1 Corinthians 12:11
3) Comprehend that the Holy Spirit is like Jesus. (Acts16:7 & Romans 8:9).

When you wonder what the Holy Spirit is like , just think about Jesus.

If we have disrespected the Holy Spirit in the past, our response MUST BE apologizing and repenting.

Acts 7; "you always resist the Holy Spirit" - Are you?

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