Friday, July 20, 2012

Notes from Thursday evening's service

FMC Wabash Conference Family Camp
Evangelist John Paul Clark

Do we Free Methodists know what it means to remain in prayer?

Have you worked and worked and worked without ever knowing the magnificent power of the Holy Spirit? This power is astonishing!

Ephesians 1 - incomparable power, like when God raised Christ from the dead!

We have been endowed with power TO WITNESS!

Acts 2:22


The difference between Peter's witness in the Gospels and his witness after? THE HOLY SPIRIT!

Jesus' idea of witness is much different than we might think; exciting, risky, and thrilling.
The Greek word for witness is martyr!

"Playing it too safe is making me dead!"

What would your life be like if it were "captured by a cause"?

The problem with our evangelism is not more or better techniques. We need passion - for souls. This happens only through the power of The Spirit.

The present indifference toward lost souls is sinful, unkind, and wrong.

We need a baptism of the Holy Spirit.

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