Saturday, May 18, 2013

Arrogant or Ignorant

I've met a lot of arrogant people. I'm sure you have as well. Arrogance is a horrible trait - and it is the trait that probably bugs me the most. As a pastor I've also seen a lot of ignorant people - people who are uninformed or misinformed.

And, although arrogance and ignorance are not be desired by anyone, I would much prefer to be ignorant. And, I would prefer to teach and shepherd people who are ignorant rather than arrogant. 

See, ignorance is the product of a lack if knowledge, and an ignorant person can be taught. But, arrogance is the product of pride and years of boasting, and an arrogant person must be broken before they can be taught. 

When we read the Gospels and we read the people that Jesus encountered we see that He met both the ignorant and the arrogant. With the ignorant we see that Jesus had patience - taking time to talk with and teach them. Yet with the arrogant - the teachers of the law and the Pharisees - we see that Jesus was very stern and direct in His correction.

So, think are you ignorant or arrogant? Neithrr are to be desired. Yet one is far better!

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