Understanding what “Jesus knew” is essential to understanding what Jesus did!
Jesus knew:
- The time of His Father had come (vs. 1)
- He would “leave” the world (vs. 1)
- He would return to His Father (vs. 1)
- His Father had put all things under His power (vs. 3)
- He came from God (vs. 3)
- He was returning to God (vs. 3)
John 13:4-5 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
Jesus' activity:
- He got up (vs. 4)
- He took off His outer clothes (vs. 4)
- He wrapped a towel around His waist (vs. 4)
- He washed their feet (vs. 5)
As followers of Jesus, we too must:
- Get up
- Get up from our place of honor
- Get up from our attitudes of pride
- Get rid of our illusion that this is in any way about us
- Take off the bib
- We've had enough to eat
- We've been fed long enough – most of us
- Put on an apron
- This is going to be dirty – perhaps humiliating
- This is going to be time consuming
- This is going to require something from you
- Wash feet
- It's time to lend a hand and serve
- It's time to use the gifts God has given you
- It's time follow the example set by Jesus
- It's time to be a true follower – a disciple – of Jesus'
To be a follower of Jesus you must become a servant.
Picture it, Jesus is down on His knees before His
- Creator of the universe wiping away the mud that He created
- Living Water poured out on the feet of the people
- King of Kings lowered to the floor
- The God of glory serving a sinful people
It is important to note that Jesus even washed the feet of Judas –
who He knew would betray Him.
John 13:11 For he knew who was going to betray him
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