Sunday, June 2, 2013

All Together

Acts chapter 2 details the day of Pentecost. Acts 2 details when the Holy Spirit of God came down from heaven and – for the very first time – filled these believers with His presence. Acts 2 details when the Holy Spirit of God began to dwell within our hearts and bodies – granting us power to be Jesus' witnesses in our world. Acts 2 details when the Holy Spirit of God established The Church

Acts chapter 2 details the moments leading up to and the events that followed this awesome moment in the life of The Church; the prayers of the first leaders, the power of the first moments, the progression of the first days, and the practices of the first believers

Acts 2:1; “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.”

They were “all together”. Although the place is of little importance, many believe that the place that they were meeting was the same upper room where they celebrated the last supper with Jesus. - It is never specified.

They were “all together”. Acts 1:13-15 states many who were there: (Acts 1:13-14) Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James (son of Alphaeus), Simon the Zealot, Judus (son of James), many women”, Mary (the mother of Jesus) and Jesus' brothers. (Acts 1:15) Those present totaled about 120. See, The Church began with a core of believers

They were “all together”. Acts 1:14 states that “they joined together constantly in prayer”. The Church was founded in a prayer meeting and The Church was established by commitment; commitment to Jesus – in prayer - and commitment to one another – in love.

They were “all together”. They had one purpose. They had one goal. They had one bond. They had one heart.

We too must be “All Together”. We must have a clear and common purpose to be The Church that Jesus has called us to and is counting on us to be. We must be of one heart to be The Church and be Jesus' witnesses. We must be of one goal to be The Church and reach the unreached. 

The Church was founded in prayer. The Church was established by commitment. The Church continues through faithfulness.

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