Monday, October 20, 2014

Jesus' Love in Matthew 9

In His Hometown

Mark 6:4, 6; Jesus said to them, “Only in his hometown is a prophet without honor.” And He was amazed at their lack of faith.

The Paralytic Man

Matthew 9:1-8

  • Mark 2:1-12
  • Luke 5:17-26
What do you see in Jesus’ love?
What did Jesus see before He healed the man?
  • The man’s faith

What were the results of Jesus’ love?

  • The paralytic was healed and went home
  • The crowd was filled with awe
  • The crowd praised God

Jairus’ Daughter

Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26 
  • Mark 5:21-24, 35-43
  • Luke 8:41-42, 49-56
What do you see in Jesus’ love?

What did Jesus tell Jairus to do?

  • Believe (Mark and Luke)

What were the results of Jesus’ love?

  • The girl was healed and got up
  • News spread throughout the region

The Bleeding Woman

Matthew 9:20-22
  • Mark 5:25-33
  • Luke 8:43-48
What do you see in Jesus’ love?
What did Jesus say healed the woman?
  • The woman’s faith

What were the results of Jesus’ love?

  • The woman was healed from that momen

The Blind and Mute Men

Matthew 9:27-31
What do you see in Jesus’ love?
What did Jesus say healed the men?
  • The men’s faith

What were the results of Jesus’ love?

  • The men had their sight restored
  • News spread throughout the region 

The Demon-Possessed Man

Matthew 9:32-33
What do you see in Jesus’ love?

What were the results of Jesus’ love?

  • The man was delivered from the demon and he spoke
  • The crowd was amazed
In many of these accounts we read that when Jesus looked – with love – at the individuals that we suffering, what He saw was their faith.
  • Sometimes I wonder what it is we see when we look at the people that are suffering around us. Do we look for their faith?
  • And I wonder if we attempted to truly love like Jesus loved – the way Jesus calls us to love – if we would see things different
In most of these accounts we read that the affects of Jesus love were far reaching – far beyond the person that had been healed or delivered.
  • What affect will our Christian love have on those in our church – our community – our world?

Jesus’ Ministry of Love

Matthew 9:35-36

Our Call to Love Like Jesus

Matthew 9:37-38

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