I was reminded of this quote of John Wesley's the other day, "Give me one hundred..."
As I contemplated this statement I allowed my imagination to run. As a local church Pastor I spend hours considering how I might inspire large groups of people to take up the call and fulfill the mission that Jesus has called The Church to; "Go and make disciples of all nations..."
Yet, this statement is not about inspiring the masses. This statement has to do with pouring into leaders and inspiring those that have a heart and a passion for God and for His kingdom. This statement speaks of those who have not only recognized God's call, but have taken it up - accepting and affirming His call in their lives. This statements speaks of those that have a heart - and love - for God and a desire to share His love with all those they encounter.
As I continued to contemplate this statement I found myself shifting my focus. I shifted my focus from simply inspiring The Church as a whole. I shifted my focus toward identifying the leaders that God was calling me to pour into and inspiring them.
Then, as I continued to contemplate this statement, I was wrecked by a convicting question; "Am I one of the one hundred?".
Am I one of the one hundred that truly fear nothing but sin? One of the one hundred that have a boldness to call sin sin rather than striving to appease others with soft language and softer discipline?
Am I one of the one hundred that truly desire nothing but God? One of the one hundred that show evidence of my commitment to God through the use of my time, my attention, my money, my talents, and my resources?
Am I one of the one hundred that will truly shake the gates of hell? One of the one hundred that will go up against the perversion, the sin, and the evil that dominates our culture, ruins lives, and seems to be overcoming our world?
Am I one of the one hundred that will truly set up the kingdom of heaven on earth? One of the one hundred that will live a life of joy, hope, and love that will transform lives and change the world?
Am I one of the one hundred?
As I continue to contemplate this statement, let me invite you to do the same. Let me invite you to go through this statement, line by line, and ask yourself "Am I one of the one hundred?".
Give me one hundred who fear nothing but sin...
Give me one hundred who desire nothing but God...
Give me one hundred who will shake the gates of hell...
Give me one hundred who will set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth...
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